I’ve had a few people ask me recently, “Do you think this is the end times?” The context for their question had more to do with the world’s fight against Israel and how we know Israel remains a key figure—and a controversial one—up until the last days. But even without that context, is it difficult to imagine that the world we live in today might be rapidly approaching its end as we know it? That the labor pains we are warned about (1 Thessalonians 5:3) are the pains we see on the news right now? Our once perfect, now fallen world is groaning for redemption. It is easy to imagine that this world—just like us—is anxiously longing for God to swoop down and make it new again. “And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Revelation 21:5 Right now, it might feel like the world is rapidly deteriorating into a wasteland. We know God uses the wilderness often. He moved His chosen people around the wilderness for 40 years. He called Jesus into the wilderness ...