Shop Thinking Girls Bible Study Titles and other Bible Study Resources


I'm excited to announce the first collection of Thinking Girls Bible Studies in my new book, JEWELS FROM THE JOURNEY.  I had no way of knowing when I started writing these studies back in 2017  that God would link them together with a common thread—our identity in Christ. These studies have been revisited and many of them revised. Even if you have read them previously, I hope you'll notice fresh insights. It's my desire that everyone know the joy and blessings of knowing who we are in Christ and Christ in us.

I also encourage you to check out the first book published under the Thinking Girls Bible Study banner, A 21 DAY BIBLICAL GUIDE TO OVERCOMING ANXIETY. It's not just easy to feel anxious in today's world, it's almost a guarantee. Our Father has given us tools in Scripture to help us overcome our anxiety and experience the "peace that passes all understanding!" I hope this three-week guide is a useful resource to help embed Scripture in the reader's heart and mind, equipping us to battle anxiety in the process. 

You can also check out the new TGBS Bookstore, where we link to these books, Bibles, reference materials and other books that helped me in my spiritual development.


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